Marching Band
Football Games & Championships
A fall Varsity Sport - Marching Band performs at all home football games, pep rallies and within the CSBC Competition circuit have taken part in the Disneyland Community Arts Showcase.
Jazz Band
Music for the Soul
Jazz band forms, through audition, at the end of 1st semester. The class meets during 7th period. The group plays a wide variety of jazz and jazz style music. They perform often during the semester, take part in festivals, and have taken part in the Disneyland Community Arts Showcase.
Concert Band
The Wind Ensemble
With the conclusion of marching band, we get out the concert instruments. This ensemble performs grade 3 through grade 5 music. They perform several concerts during 2nd semester, take place in the SCSBOA Music Festival and have taken part in the Disneyland Community Arts Showcase.
String Orchestra
The Core of Orchestra
This string only groups performs a variety of orchestral music from classical to pop. They take part in the SCSBOA Music Festival, have taken part in the Disneyland Community Arts Showcase and for several concerts a year will join with band members to perform for orchestral symphonic music.